Image Uploader Scripting API
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Namespaces | Functions
Functions.h File Reference

Global functions. More...


namespace  ScriptAPI
 Namespace containing functions and classes available in squirrel scripts.


string AnsiToUtf8 (string str, int codepage)
string AskUserCaptcha (INetworkClient *nm, string url)
 Shows the captcha input dialog.
string Base64Decode (string data)
string Base64Encode (string data)
bool CopyFile (string source, string destination, bool overwrite)
bool CreateDirectory (string path_, unsigned int mode)
void DebugMessage (string msg, bool isResponseBody)
 Shows a dialog box with a diagnostic message.
bool DeleteFile (string utf8Filename)
string ExtractFileName (string path)
string ExtractFileNameNoExt (string fileName)
string ExtractFilePath (string fileName)
bool FileExists (string fileName)
string GenerateRandomFilename (string path, int suffixLen)
string GetAppLanguage ()
string GetAppLanguageFile ()
string GetAppLocale ()
table GetAppVersion ()
string GetCurrentThreadId ()
string GetDeviceId ()
string GetDeviceName ()
string GetFileContents (string filename)
string GetFileExtension (string path)
string GetFileMimeType (string filename)
int GetFileSize (string filename)
double GetFileSizeDouble (string filename)
table GetImageInfo (string fileName)
string GetScriptsDirectory ()
string GetTempDirectory ()
string hmac_sha1 (string key, string data, bool base64)
string HmacSha1 (string key, string data, bool base64)
string HtmlEntitiesDecode (string src)
object include (string filename)
string InputDialog (string text, string defaultValue)
string JsonEscapeString (string src)
string Md5 (string data)
 Calculates the md5 hash of a string.
string md5 (string data)
 Calculates the md5 hash of a string.
string md5_file (string filename)
 Calculates the md5 hash of a given file.
string Md5FromFile (string filename)
 Calculates the md5 hash of a given file.
string MessageBox (string message, string title, string buttons, string type)
bool MoveFileOrFolder (string from, string to)
object ParseJSON (string json)
bool PutFileContents (string utf8Filename, string content)
int Random ()
int random ()
string RandomString (int length)
string Sha1 (string data)
string sha1 (string data)
string sha1_file (string filename)
string sha1_file_prefix (string filename, string prefix, string postfix)
string Sha1FromFile (string filename)
string Sha1FromFileWithPrefix (string filename, string prefix, string postfix)
string Sha256 (string data)
string Sha256FromFile (string filename, int offset, size_t chunkSize)
bool ShellOpenUrl (string url)
void Sleep (int msec)
void sleep (int msec)
string ToJSON (object obj)
string Translate (string key, string originalText)
string url_encode (string value)
string UrlEncode (string value)
string Utf8ToAnsi (string str, int codepage)
void WriteLog (string type, string message)

Detailed Description

Global functions.

Global functions

Note that string type is UTF-8 encoded unless otherwise stated.

Standard functions can be found in the documentation of the standard library
and documentation of the Squirrel language.